Saturday 11th & Sunday 12th March 2023
Between 10am-5pm
This weekend, in celebration of "A day at the Domain", I will be crafting timeless portraits using the wet plate collodion process, a 19th-century method of development that predates film photography. Each image is hand-crafted, producing an original direct-positive image on a sheet 5"x4" aluminium plate.
Participating in a tintype session and seeing the alchemic process as images appear on the plate is captivating; an experience that few people now have the opportunity to witness. At the end of the session, you will have a unique and original hand-made portrait and a complimentary digital file of your image.
Sessions last 45 minutes and are limited to 2 people per plate
Plates will be posted to clients once varnished & cured, a week or so after their session.